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Garlic Butter

Garlic Butter


Informações do Produto

  • Conteúdo do produto : Garlic Butter is blended with chopped, crushed, or minced garlic or garlic powder. The garlic flavor can be made as strong as desired depending on the amount of garlic used. The flavor also tends to become stronger the longer the mixture sits before it is used. Garlic butter is used to make garlic bread or toast and is melted on meats, fish, seafood, and vegetables.
  • Código de barra : 5060234260156
Lista de ingredientes :

Garlic Butter is blended with chopped, crushed, or minced garlic or garlic powder. The garlic flavor can be made as strong as desired depending on the amount of garlic used. The flavor also tends to become stronger the longer the mixture sits before it is used. Garlic butter is used to make garlic bread or toast and is melted on meats, fish, seafood, and vegetables.

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